Thursday, April 7, 2016

We packed the bike racks at Blazers Bike Night!

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Becky Morton brought her whole family along! (And who let that weird guy with the cape bomb this photo!?)
(Photo: Becky Morton’s sister)

The seventh (not quite annual) Blazers Bike Night is in the books. We packed the bike racks at the Moda Center and the Blazers won the game and clinched a spot in the playoffs. What a great night!

Before the game I hung out at the main bike parking area behind the box office. Dressed in my best Blazers garb I greeted everyone who rolled in. My goal for the night was to fill these racks to capacity. The Blazers told me they are officially able to park 90 bikes in that location. By the time I left to go inside and watch the game there were 102 bikes! We did it! (And this is despite the racks being those horrid ribbon-style racks that are hard to use and widely discouraged by planning professionals.)

With the other bike racks around the Moda Center, I’d guess that overall there were about 200 people who biked to the game. That’s a good start. But with 20,000 or so fans and staff combined, we can do much better!

Here are a few more of the beautiful people who showed up by bike:

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And look how full the bike racks were!

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We let the Blazers take the lead on planning this year’s event and it’s great that they have embraced it and are willing to keep it going. Next year we’ll plan more festivities and activities around the event, so stay tuned. Thanks to everyone who biked last night. It was fantastic to see all of you.

Go Blazers!

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

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