Anxiety lies to mask reality, but there are certain truths about you and anxiety that show that you are stronger than your anxiety. That you are stronger than your anxiety is actually another truth. In the last post, I exposed 12 lies anxiety tells you. The following 12 truths counter those lies. Read them. Ponder them. Believe the truths about you and anxiety.
12 Truths About You and Anxiety That You Can Believe In
- You live now, in the present. The past is over. Focus on the present moment and living it fully. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson,
Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget them as soon as you can….This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays.
- The future isn’t happening yet. You have the power to do what you can in every moment of your life. That’s the best way to approach the future anxiety-free.
Worrying doesn’t change a thing. You can focus instead on what you can do about a situation.
- You are more than good enough. That you don’t have to be perfect in order to thrive is an important truth for you and anxiety. When anxiety lies to you by telling you you’re not good enough, show it the truth by listing ways you are good enough.
- Most people aren’t judging you. Pay attention to the interactions that are going well, and keep track of the things you’re doing right. (What Does Anxiety Say About You?)
- Staying up at night worrying won’t actually solve anything. True, it’s hard to get the anxious brain to be quiet, but it’s possible to gain back your much-needed sleep. (Nighttime Anxiety and Getting Back to Sleep)
- You are important, and your thoughts count. Worried about the consequences of speaking up? List them; you just might see that even with negative outcomes, the world (with you in it) will keep going.
- You’re intelligent with a lot to offer. You have character strengths and talents. Grab some magazines and create a collage that represents the good about you. You won’t have a blank page at the end.
- Asking for things isn’t bothering people. People can’t mind-read, which means we can, and should, ask for what we need. (Speaking Up Will Increase Your Self-Esteem)
- Panic attacks don’t mean you’re dying. Panic attacks are a brain- and body reaction to fear. Once a doctor has explored panic attack causes, you can put this worry aside and deal with other aspects of panic.
- You can achieve your goals. Not only can you dream, you can pursue your dreams. Set goals and take steps every day to get there. And you don’t have to wait for anxiety to get out of the way.
- You’re not going crazy. The truth is that your mind stays right where it should, and you are capable of thinking, acting, and problem-solving. Feeling crazy isn’t the same as being crazy.
Live the Truths About You and Anxiety
Anxiety is a habitual liar, and it won’t give up easily. Recognizing the lies and knowing the truths about you and anxiety that replace the lies will go a long way in overcoming anxiety. Just as anxiety repeats the lies, you’ll likely need to repeat the truths over and over again. Knowing them, repeating them, and acting on them will make your voice louder than anxiety’s voice.
Let’s connect. I blog here. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. My mental health novels, including one about severe anxiety, are here.
from Anxiety-Schmanxiety Blog
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