Friday, January 20, 2017

Top Pottery Blogs of 2016

So excited to once again make the list!!!
After three years in the Number One position, I fell slightly to Number Two this year. Still not too shabby considering I squeezed in a lot of fun this past summer… art fairs, summer camps, triathlons, sunrises and a full IRONMAN… and still came in at Number Two!!! Yeah me!!!

Thanks to POTTERY MAKING INFO for following the clay blogs all year long. And for sharing our stories to a wider audience on a monthly basis. So many great potters out there sharing a LOT of information, anecdotes & stories.

Click here to see the full list of those who made the Top Pottery Blogs of 2016.

Beating me out this year, Carole Epps and her “Musing About Mud” blog.
An amazing amount of ceramic content & images. She invites people to submit content to her blog so there’s a wide range of photos, videos, Call For Entries, and ceramic work from all over the world. Huge congrats to Carole… and thanks for sharing SO many beautiful things!

Don’t forget that it’s not JUST about blogging.
Sure, the blog might have a lot more content & stories. But you can always get your “fix” on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube as well. Just do a “Search” for Fire When Ready Pottery. You can pretty much “find” me anywhere… and then you can “Follow” me anywhere.





from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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