Saturday, January 21, 2017

Quick Tip: Make Lettuce Last Longer

This is a quick tip I wanted to share with you to keep your lettuce fresh and lasting longer - it's a trick I've learned all on my own. You ready? Here is a photo of my lettuce that was in the back of my fridge for TEN DAYS. I just took it out and cut it up and put it into my salad - honestly, it was forgotten in the veggie drawer! 

How to Keep Lettuce Fresh for Up to 2 weeks!

So, how to I keep my lettuce SO FRESH for so long - up to two weeks?

OK, here it is - it's super simple. 

1. Wash the lettuce and get it nice and dry.
2. Get a clean, dry terry towel  - I got mine at Costco or here.
3. Wrap dried lettuce tightly in terry towel then put into a gallon-sized ziptop bag. 

Keep Lettuce fresher, longer

That's it! The terry towel keeps the lettuce from getting soggy and still keeps it fresh. So, if you like to make a little salad everyday or don't get to it right away, it keeps it fresh! 

Do you have a great way of keeping vegetables last longer? Please share!

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  Want to know where I got that product?
 Go HERE and find it!

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