Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Self defense applications from Taegeuk Oh Jang

Author performing the elbow strike
I have written before about Taegeuk Oh Jang, including one post where I dealt with the opening movements, and another post detailing the side kicks and elbow strikes. I will write about elbows in this article as well, but I will focus on
the round elbow strikes that follows from the single knife hand block, instead of the side kick, targeted elbow strike combination I have written about before. If you read this article and the other two I've mentioned, you will have unlocked about half of the form :-) I might do a indepth article in the future where I take Oh Jang apart move by move just as I did with Taegeuk Il Jang, but for the time being you get a piece meal (but hey it is free:-)  )

Blogger is making it really hard for me to update and Place images where I want them these days. I am not sure if its the computer that got an update, if its chrome or if its blogger, but I do apologize if this post becomes "messy" as a result.

If everything goes as plan you should be able to view the solo performance of the sequence in question below; knife hand block and elbow strike.

Below you should hopefully see the same sequence once more, but in reverse view, followed by a reverse view of the elbow strike:

Note the "non striking hand" is not at the hip.

First Application; Parry-Pass into elbow strike

In the first Application I actually follow the Kukkiwon Textbook Application pretty closely. Only difference is that I make use of the chamber of the block as an initial parry, before I pass to the other hand and then step in delivering the strike. Note on the last picture that I use my stance offensively, I use my non striking hand, AND I use the striking hand all at once. This is "Hapki" or coordination of energy/power. This sequence is done on both sides in the solo performance of the form, and it is then followed by a 90 degree turn, long front stance and low block. You can use this as what I label: Low block take down. The turn, the stance and the complete movement of the low block takes the opponent down.

Initial parry and cover. Works for all linear attacks.

Pass to the other hand while working toward the outside.

Step in and elbow strike. Note the Three points of contact!
The strike, the Control hand and the unbalancing foot.
One Natural follow up from the same form:-) 
"The low block take down"

Application two: Using the elbow strike as a wrist Lock

In the NeXT application  (for some reason the computer changes the low key characters in NeXT to the abomination you see on the screen. My apologies) I look at what the other non striking hand does. Why is it not back on the hip "where it belongs"? One explanation could be that it was meant to be a wrist lock as this fits very nicely into the ending position. The lock can (hopefully) be seen below. It is applied against a wrist grab, but that is just one starting point:-)

Initial wrist grab
Just lift Your hand straight up, thumb on one side, the rest on the other.
Zoom view

Place Your other hand on his so he can not let go. 

Zoom view

Lock his wrist, lock his elbow and push down,
using your stance to get weight into the lock.
If you need a follow up, you can always trust the low Block

Application Three, stopping a two hand combo, using the elbow strike as a defense?

 In the Application below you will note that I do not use the Chamber of the initial knife hand Block. Most basic Blocks can work pretty much as in the textbook if you shorten them and do an evasive body maneuver at the same time. The traditional Blocks are two Count movements (Chamber and primary movement), shortening them to a small movement changes them into a single Count movement. Action beats reaction so for this to work you need to "steal time" by moving in and off line of the attack. Everything together make the technique work at a realistic distance, despite the "Block being used as a Block" which is often frowned upon these days in the practical Application society.
Here we use only the primary movement as a Block
against a telegraphed haymaker. It is shortened to work.

Move outside while you use the elbow strike to stop the 
2nd punch and feed the arm toward Your other hand.
If you managed to grab the arm,
do the low Block takedown,
if not just do the primary movement a little higher
as a hammerfist strike
And there you have it:-) If you liked it, please consider sharing it on facebook, forums or simply send a link to that one friend you have that likes Taekwondo;-)

from Traditional Taekwondo Ramblings

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