Thursday, January 11, 2018

2017 in retrospect and where do we go from here

Every January I write a post while sitting down, looking through the blog-year and gathering a few thoughts on the year to come. It`s become a real new year tradition for me, and it is one that I look forward to when the end of the year gets near. 2017 has been perhaps the busiest year that I can remember on all fronts. As a result a hobby based thing like this blog has been put on the backburner.
It is easy to post something short and interesting on the facebook fan page of the blog so I have been providing content, but it has not been a very productive year when it comes to writing articles for the blog itself. The recent loss of net neutrality in the US might also affect this blog negatively as well in the future, but I have not seen anything that threatens it in the imidiate future yet, so fingers crossed that I can keep blogging for free, because once I have to pay to do it I will either have to charge people for its content or quit blogging altogether (and I am leaning toward the latter actually if it comes to that). So here comes the anual lists and overview:

In the early part of January the blog was ranked 17 on the best webpages and blogs on Taekwondo on the world wide web. The list can be seen here: . It is very fun to be on that list, as there are literally thousands of web pages and blogs pertaining to Taekwondo. Being ranked 17 is also an honour. I saw at least two of blogs on that list are listed under the header "interesting blogs" which you can see on the right side of my blog if you are viewing it on desktop view (Computer). 

Most read posts in 2017 (from most read to lesser):

The posts that garnered the most comments in 2017:

My favorite posts in 2017 (in no particular order):

Facebook page of the blog:

Samir (one of the blogs supporters and the semiofficial "advisor" ( ;-) ) talked me into making a facebook fan page for the blog. It would help the blog grow, and it will let you reach more people he said. He was the one who made that square at the top right on my blog so the blog page and facebook page interact (thank you again for your help Samir). In a few years and without using a dime we now have 1 319 likes:-D While the blog itself might not have gotten updated with new material each and every week the facebook page is very easy to just post a picture and a quick comment. In the last few months I have posted a lot of pictures with great quotes on various topics  I also can share some quick links to interesting articles and other blogs on there, so if you are on facebook do not hessitate to visit (and if you want I am happy for every "like" I get).  The facebook page can be found on .

So what is in store for 2018?

I will try to provide one article for Totally Taekwondo Magazine every month. I have written about 70 articles over the years for the Magazine, and I am not about to stop doing that in the foreseeable future. The rough draft is usually from a blog post, or if it is not it will be published here, but a few months later than in the Magazine.

Eventhough I might not post every week, I am sure you will not be dissapointed in 2018 if you remember to visit the blog.

I will also try to go a little deeper on the philosophical aspects of Taekwondo this year. I think that I have provided a solid starting point for people who wants to start with applications to their Poomsae over the years, and I will probably continue providing further material on this aspect as I find it fascinating, but this year I would love to share some of the philosophical roots of Taekwondo and Asian culture, and perhaps point the way to other not directly lineage relevant for us, but a great resource nonetheless books (like book of five rings etc). I would also like to produce some video clips this year, as this is something that people have been asking me to do for a long time now.

What do YOU want to see in 2018?

Do not hessitate to ask questions, or to give feedback if there is anything you want to see me write about. I am easily contacted by the blogs facebook page or you can simply drop a comment on any post and I`ll answer as soon as I can. Messages from facebook comes straight to my phone so they will get answer quicker, but I do rutinely look through`s page to see if there are any new (and unanswered) comments. I might be busy, but I do not want to be the guy you ask a question and then never get back to you :-)

Thank you to all the readers and supporters of the blog :-)

from Traditional Taekwondo Ramblings

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