Monday, January 22, 2018

Anxiety in Romantic Relationships — It’s Complicated

Anxiety in romantic relationships adds an extra level of complication. Learn about anxiety in your romantic relationships and how to counteract its effects.Anxiety in romantic relationships, for better or for worse, complicates love. I’ve had a variety of significant others. Some partners were supportive of my mental conditions, while others were not sympathetic to any significant degree. I’ve had to deal with many problems, such as rejection and anxiety about the state of my relationships. Though anxiety complicates my romantic relationships, it doesn’t make romance impossible for me.

Anxiety in Romantic Relationships and Rejection

There are many ways anxiety can complicate romantic relationships, but the most obvious is rejection. Most of us have experienced romantic rejection in our lives, but anxiety can make these experiences significantly worse. As a teenager, I hid my anxiety symptoms and disorders for fear of rejection. When my romances failed, I also obsessed about every possible cause of the break-up, nearly driving myself to a breakdown.

I’ve also had many men refuse to pursue a romantic relationship after hearing that I have anxiety disorders. A potential mate once said that he wasn’t concerned about my anxiety issues. Then when certain events revealed the severity of my condition, the same person suddenly acted as though there was something wrong with me. These rejections are beyond disconcerting to me. In fact, rejection can be devastating.

Address Anxiety Stigma in Relationships

For you to thrive in your romantic relationship with anxiety, both parties must recognize that anxiety is a real illness and not contrived. To understand your specific disorder or some basics about anxiety, encourage your partner to do some research. If possible, have your partner or spouse participate in counseling with you. If you have a disorder that is chronic, help them to understand that the course of your condition is a lifetime (How Mental Illness Stigma Affects Romantic Relationships).

I understand that it can be frustrating when your partner doesn’t entertain your perspective. Often, when choosing a partner, you need to consider the level of support they are willing and able to provide. But it is also important to recognize that your partner is not your therapist.

Stand Up for Yourself, Don’t Tolerate Abuse

In my relationships, I’ve found that open and honest communication is key. I’m open about my disabilities, so much that I include my disorders on dating profiles. I’ve been the victim of disparaging comments because of it, but I am not ashamed of who I am. The insensitive comments help me weed out those who would be incompatible.

In one particularly harmful relationship, a partner chose to verbally abuse me about my mental illness. I will never tolerate this again as it was completely uncalled for. You do not deserve to be belittled because of your condition (Mental Illness Used as a Weapon). You matter just as much as your significant other. Just because anxiety complicates your romantic relationships, it doesn’t mean that your thoughts, ideas, and opinions don’t count.

Though not all partners are compatible with an anxiety sufferer, I haven’t given up hope that someone will truly value me while understanding my anxiety struggles. Anxiety often complicates romantic relationships. But education, equality, and empathy can effectively enhance romantic connections.

from Anxiety-Schmanxiety – HealthyPlace

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