Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Live an Anxiety-Free Life: Write Your Story

Are you ready to live an anxiety-free life? You can actively take charge of this by writing your story of life without anxiety. Now is the perfect time to begin. At the time I’m writing this, we’re about to enter a brand new year. However, every single day is a new day with the promise of new beginnings, and you can write your story of a life without anxiety starting now, whenever “now” may be. Ready? Read on for more about how to use this new beginning to write your story and live an anxiety-free life.

Write Your Story, Live Anxiety-Free: Active Processes

To live an anxiety-free life, write your story. Make new beginnings by creating the anxiety-free life you want. Learn how to write your story without anxiety.Whether it’s a new year or a new day or a new moment in a day, new beginnings are exciting and full of promise. To begin anew is to be active rather than passive. Thinking in terms of writing your story of living anxiety-free is a way to take action. Rather than wishing your life were free from anxiety (a wish, after all, is something in your thoughts instead of in behaviors), writing this life is a behavior that lets you create what you want (Recreate Yourself Without Anxiety and Depression). No longer are you stuck in thinking of what you don’t want.

Writing your story of a life without anxiety is an active process. In doing so, you intentionally decide what you want and how you’re going to get there. Not only is it active, it’s empowering, for you are the author, the creator of your ideal life.

Elements of Your Anxiety-Free Life Story

Thinking in terms of a story will allow you to create a rich, fulfilling, and all-encompassing anxiety-free life. Consider a few basic story elements as you write your own life story.

  • Character. You are the main character in your story. Be specific when creating yourself. Who are you at your core? What do you value? What do you do? What will you be like when anxiety is gone from your life? Also consider other characters and how you will interact with them.
  • Settings. Where will you go when you’re no longer a prisoner of anxiety?
  • Plot. This is your action. What do you envision taking place in your anxiety-free life? Making that happen, whether in a story or in life, is never random or passive. What are you going to do, step by step, to live an anxiety-free life? (How to Turn Anxiety into Action)

How Writing Your Story Creates an Anxiety-Free Life

  • New chapters. Stories have chapters, each one building on others yet also offering new beginnings of things yet to come. You can think of the moments of your life as new beginnings. If your old antagonist anxiety inserts itself into your story, make a fresh start with some new actions.
  • Flexibility. Writing your story is an ongoing process. Because you don’t live in a vacuum, unforeseen circumstances happen. You can write those into your story as new beginnings and continue to shape your story of an anxiety-free life around them.
  • Enjoyment. Like life, stories are meant to be enjoyed. To be sure, there are plot twists and antagonists and traps like anxiety. These don’t have to dominate your own life story, however. What pleasant, fun things do you want in your life? Write them in. Don’t forget action steps to achieve them.

In the below video, I discuss this further and offer a method for writing your story of living an anxiety-free life. Feel free to tune in as part of your new beginning.

Let’s connect. I blog here. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. My self-help book and mental health novels, including one about severe anxiety, are here.

from Anxiety-Schmanxiety Blog

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