Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Conquer Anxiety at Any Age: Use Stages of Development

Just as anxiety can happen at any age, it’s possible to conquer anxiety at any age by using the stages of development. The previous two articles explored the fact that all human beings progress through distinct developmental stages, each with its own tasks and risks of failure and anxiety (Anxiety Can Happen at Any Age: Child and Teen Anxiety; Anxiety in the Adult Years: Anxiety Can Happen at Any Age). By understanding what our main developmental tasks are, we can use those stages of development to conquer anxiety throughout our lives.
From the moment we are born, we begin growing, and we continue growing throughout our entire lifespan. You may recall from the previous articles (links above) that people progress through distinct stages that involve age-specific tasks.

For many different reasons, we don’t always successfully complete the tasks of our developmental stage. Failures and struggles with these tasks can contribute greatly to anxiety. However, you can use the stages of development as a weapon to conquer anxiety.

Conquer Anxiety by Finding, Using Themes in the Stages of Development

You can conquer anxiety at any age by using stages of development. Know the themes and tasks of each stage to understand your anxiety and what to do about it.Look closely at the stages of development. Each stage is unique and being a toddler isn’t the same as being a middle-aged woman or man; however, there are distinct themes of being human that appear at each stage of development. At all ages, we seek

  • Safety: Are there people to protect and care for me? Can I explore my world safely? What are the consequences of failure?
  • Trust: Can I trust others to support me as I grow and explore? Can I trust people to be there when I need them? Can I trust that I can explore and try and still be okay if I fail?
  • Self: Who am I? What am I like? What is my place in the world? Where do I fit with other people? (Self Definition – Still My Mind Personal Growth)
  • Relationships: Who is part of my world? Can I trust people? How do I love and be loved, and how do I hold onto my individuality while also giving myself to others? (How to Manage Your Sense of Belongingness)
  • Action: Can I take initiative? How can I be autonomous? Can I create success, or am I at the mercy of others? What will happen if I fail? (How to Turn Anxiety into Action)

The issues of safety, trust, the self, relationships, and action can cause anxiety no matter our age. Indeed, these are common themes in existential anxiety, or anxiety that we experience simply because we exist.

Sometimes, though, our anxiety engulfs us and we experience one or more anxiety disorders. It’s possible to conquer anxiety and anxiety disorders by putting the themes and stages of development to work for you.

Conquer Anxiety with Themes and Stages of Development

Begin your quest to conquer anxiety by noting your own developmental stage.

  • Where are you in life?
  • What are your main tasks?
  • Are you experiencing problems with any of the tasks (relationships, for example, or your ability to take initiative in things important to you)?
  • Where/when do you experience the most anxiety?

Pay particular attention to the themes. These are present throughout our entire lifespan, but they look and feel different at each stage. Often, anxiety feels vague and overwhelming, but if you can uncover a theme, you can meet it head-on where it is.

Of the themes, which are causing you the most anxiety? This is a starting point for conquering anxiety at any developmental stage. What is making you anxious, how does it relate to your developmental stage of life, and what will make it better? Use your answers to create an action plan to make changes to conquer anxiety.

Reflecting on who you are, where you are in life, the important themes of development, and the tailored actions you can take will help you conquer anxiety at your stage of development.

Let’s connect. I blog here. Find me on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. My self-help book and mental health novels, including one about severe anxiety, are here.

from Anxiety-Schmanxiety Blog

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