Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The BikePortland Podcast: Bike media and its influence on cycling

Screenshot from Jonathan’s other blog, circa 2005.

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, a bike-industry media consultant named Jonathan Maus observed that “blogs are changing the way people communicate on the web.”

That was 11 years ago, to be precise. And Jonathan’s feeling at the time — blogs are amazing, why doesn’t everyone and everything have one? – has basically come true; these days we just call most of them “Facebook pages.”

The media revolution between 2005 and today has changed a lot of other things, and one of them is biking. In the first episode of the rebooted BikePortland podcast, Jonathan, producer Lillian Karabaic and me talk about the modern bike media.

For some of the show, we’re speaking as insiders of a sort. For other parts, we’re speaking as consumers. And we try to get at the ways that the shifting bike media have led, fed and followed changes in biking culture over those years, too. We also mention a few of our favorite media sources and the stories and reporters who inspire us.

As I mentioned, this will be the first episode of a sort of reboot of our podcast. In this and the coming episodes, we’ll be making an effort to tackle unusual and surprising subjects, or at least look at familiar subjects in old ways. We’re excited to get that rolling. We’ll also be using the podcast feed for one or two other things — in-depth audio interviews with Portland mayoral candidates, for one. As always, we’re eager to hear your thoughts and ideas.

Oh, and one last thing: We’ve introduced a new closing feature for the end of the podcast: we’re going to ask readers and listeners a question and share some of their replies. So here’s next month’s question:

What’s the most dangerous thing you’ve ever carried on a bike?

Talk to you next month.

— Michael Andersen, (503) 333-7824 –

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