Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year’s Eve

Wishing you all a wonderful & safe New Year’s Eve.
Full of fun, family, friends and a bit of glittery confetti!!!

Me?… I’m doing an old-school Norman Rockwell kind of New Year’s Eve
with friends, kids, lots of games and really bad-for-you food!!! Great fun for all!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

A New Year. A New Book.

This year is quickly coming to an end… and a new one about to begin.
What will your story be in 2017?

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

New Year. New Souvenir.

After two and a half months, I figured it was finally time to cut off the wristband.
Starting out the New Year with fond memories of my first IRONMAN adventure
and “trading it out” with a more permanent souvenir reminder.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Old… Now “New” Clay in The New Year

What better way to end out the year than with some studio cleaning, de-decorating
and turning out one last batch of reclaim clay?! Here’s to “free” clay in the New Year!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Feeding The Addiction

Looks like one of my not-so-Secret Santas knows me a little too well!!! They look amazing… and methinks they might just become the Breakfast of Champions this morning. It’s a holiday, right??? Thanks Pam for feeding the addiction!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Homemade & Handmade

My very first Noodle Kugel homemade by my friend Pam. Quite yummy…
and even yummier in a handmade Bob Briscoe bowl.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Friday, December 30, 2016

Pointless discussions and why they are pointless

Strange title today is it not? The reason for this posts existance is that I have experienced watching
people discuss (and spending valuable partner time) the merits of the different blocks applied purely as blocks in step sparring. Now those who read this blog regulary will know that the organisation I train and study under have "fixed" or "set" (predetermined) step sparring drills for its students so the only punch we get in step sparring is the traditional straight punch. This is also the case for many who has not set or predermined step sparring in their syllabus too so that is why I write this post. The reason being is that many of the discussions on the different blocks are pointless and therefore steal away valuable training time!

This truly dawned on me a while back but last night I experienced it myself when training 3 step sparring with another black belt. He was corrected by another student for using the wrong block, because the predetermined fixed sparring demanded that the regular bakkat momtong makki be used, while he was doing anpalmok bakkat makki (same block in essence but the back of the hand points toward the opponent while the regular points toward the defender). The reason I feel this discussion is so pointless is that they in Kukki Taekwondo at least follow the same trajectory, covers the same vital points of the defenders body, and it ends up in the same place. The fact is if you are using any of those two blocks in step sparring against a formal straight punch it does not matter how you chamber the block, where your fist points, or even if your hand is open or closed. All these neuances are only important when you look deeper on the application level (as you would do if you are researching Poomsae for instance). But in step sparring the blocks are used as blocks with varying degree of sophistication yes, but they are still blocks.

If you attack me with a formal middle section punch I can step back and defend myself against that punch using any number of blocks before I counter attack. For a few short examples I could use the inward or outward block, inner or outer wrist being the blocking surface, or knife hands instead of close hands, (that makes 4 different blocks), with open hands I could use inward block with the palm or outward block with the back of the hand (that makes 6) or I could use a knife hand guarding block (7) etc. Everyone of these will stop and defend against a formal straight punch while setting up a reverse punch counter. Now if you look deeper and change the attack you might want to rethink what blocks you chose to use for the current situation, but in a set step sparring situation? Just block and be done with it:-)

When the chamber of the block is not used, and the pulling hand serves
no pragmatic reason beyond "its tradition", the minutae of the technique
matters very little if any. A great number of techniques (blocks) can be used
and not change the outcome the slightest.

This also goes for all the discussions on the different ways to chamber the different techniques too. If the Eungyoung (practical application) is as a pure "block" against a static formal straight punch (which the mainstream is seeing the blocks as being) then it really does not matter the slightest which way you chamber! As long as the block "blocks" you are OK! The only place those discussions are worth any training time at all is when researching applications using the whole movement of the technique against realistic attacks. Even then many times the different ways of executing the blocks will only be minor differences if any to the actual application.

So: If you are of the pure kick block punch paradigm of applications: stop wasting peoples training time on pointless discussions!

from Traditional Taekwondo Ramblings

6 Ways to Conquer Letting Go of Meaningful Things

“But,  What If I need It Someday?”

6 Ways to Conquer Letting Go of Meaningful Things

This is a common thought we have when we want to declutter and get organized.  I would bet that if you have a small (or large) problem in your home with clutter that you (or someone in your home) has used that phrase once or twice. This thought can sometimes even paralyze our ability to get rid of anything.   

My grandmother was born to a poor family in 1930 and spent her childhood playing with bits and pieces of scraps and junk in the yard rather than the playhouses, swing-sets and electric ride-on cars that her great grandchildren enjoy. Unlike many of her generation, who struggle with hoarding, she kept an immaculate home all of her life.  
Read more »

from Organizing Made Fun

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Holiday Abstracts

Christmas Eve fun playing with Christmas light abstractions.
Kinda makes you feel like you’re in the United Terminal at O’Hare, right?!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Cookie Collaboration

A “sweet” collaboration to finish off our festivities last night. My niece Taylor’s decorated sugar cookies on one of my stamped & soda-fired platters!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Remembering : Carrie Fisher

2016 has been quite the year for losing celebrities. And after an on-flight heart attack, we have lost another screen legend in Carrie Fisher. Best know for her portrayal of Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher was a well-versed actress and author. Another talent gone too soon.

Click here for Carrie Fisher’s “Five Best On-Screen Moments” according to US Weekly.
Although I do think they missed another screen gem in “Soapdish.”

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Remembering : George Michael

Another Christmas gift returned… Sad news of George Michael’s passing. From one of the few who can claim that they saw “WHAM” live at Poplar Creek in the 80′s!!!

Click here for the official video of “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” on YouTube.

But then he put away the flash & neon of The Eighties… and really proved he could sing!
Despite his personal demons, addictions and legal entanglements, he became an amazing songwriter & artist. He leaves behind quite the legacy. He will be missed. His voice silenced.

Click here for the official video for “Careless Whisper” on YouTube.






from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Remembering : Debbie Reynolds

Remembering Debbie Reynolds with one of the best movie musical moments ever captured on film! She will be missed. This is not a “good morning, good morning to you, and you, and you, and you.”

Click here for the “Singing In The Rain” video slip on YouTube.

And let us not forget about her amazing stint as Grace’s Mom on “Will & Grace”.
Click here for a quick reminder of her brillianceand Karen’s too!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Jennifer McCurdy : Playing With Porcelain

Here’s a great how-to video of Jennifer McCurdy playing with her porcelain and making it do things you won’t believe. Amazing carving, nice use of a “scrubbie” and a great upside-down trick that is just gravity-defying!!!

Click here to see the Jennifer McCurdy video on YouTube.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

One Sunrise In The Right Direction

So nice to have the holidays over. All the planning, shopping, decorating.
Done. Done. And DONE.

Now for the “chore” of getting everything back to normal.
And this morning was one sunrise in the right direction!!!


from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery