Friday, March 17, 2017

It’s A Privilege To Pee

A great evening of musical theater last night at “URINETOWN: The Musical.”
Possibly the smallest theater space ever… but brilliantly staged & choreographed. Much better than the huge Broadway version I saw years ago!!! Incredible voices in this laugh-out-loud musical. Only here for another week… it’s a MUST SEE!!!

Click here to see if you can still get your tickets at Stage 773 on Belmont.

Just look how small the stage is!!! That’s it.
Nothing in the wings. And a six piece band squeezed in the back left corner!!

It’s a bit of a love story mixed with corporate greed and struggles of drought and greed.
With a LOT of punny wordsmithing along the way. Very clever. Very well-played!!!

Here are the star-crossed lovers Bobby Strong and Hope Cladwell…

And Miss Pennywise… the operator of “Public Amenity #9″ restroom with a secret past…

And Little Sally… the idealistic observer who points out the obvious…

One of the more enjoyable “quirks” of the show was their staging & visual references to other Broadway musicals. Like when they break into a rumble finger-snapping riff ala “West Side Story”… or a Jewish line dance ala “Fiddler On The Roof”… or my favorite, the rebel forces joining and marching forward ala “Les Miserables”… complete with the big red flag waving!!! Brilliant… and hysterical if you catch all of the references.










from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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