The Dwarf or Little Person | Mr. Locksmith Halloween Story
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Hi, this is Terry from Mr. Locksmith. Another scary Halloween story. The stories seem to always involve the police because where they’re checking on people, they don’t want to kick the door in, not always, so they don’t know where this guy is, they just call us, we show up, we got the police there. It’s just one police this time, one guy. And they say, “We’re here. guy hasn’t been seen for over one week, Blah, blah, blah.” You know, they’re do their thing, we’ve been doing this forever.
Simple lock. Easy to pick. But what I do, and I always recommend, before I do anything, I know the cop’s been there banging and everything, but I go there, I bang on the door just to make sure that nothing – nothing’s going to happen, nobody there, whatever. I bang on the door, nobody there. The other precaution I do, because I don’t know what the situation is here, I pick the lock to the side. So you’ve got to think about it, if somebody takes a shotgun and shoots it through the door, they usually shoot high so you don’t get killed doing a simple job.
A little bit of locksmith safety here for this Halloween story, bang on the door, when I’m picking it, I pick to the side. I don’t know why this person’s inside or is or isn’t. I don’t know anything. So I’m picking the door sideways and I’m pretty good at picking sideways, a little awkward, it’s a simple lock. I’m just about to turn it, all of a sudden, the door flings open. I jump back about 10 feet. And I’ll call him dwarf, little person, whatever. I got a little people, naked, drunk guy screaming, and he flies at the cop. And all of a sudden, this naked little dwarf guy is fighting the cop, and he’s screaming and hollering.
I’ve recovered enough to get in. I jump in to help the cop because he’s, like, just got jumped on by a little person, naked. I help grab him, and the cop cuffs him. And we’ve got this little, naked guy, drunk as a skunk, raging like I don’t know what like screaming bloody murder.
Long story short, scared the hell out of us. He is the owner of the place. The family hasn’t heard from him. We leave – He doesn’t know what the hell is going on. He’s been on a weekend bender. Little person, you scared the hell out of me. He attacked the cop. Once the cop got everything solved and everything, they just sort of basically called some family members and they can now deal with him.
Even after I did my knocking on the door, nobody there, picked it properly, still got the living crap scared out of me, and it was a little – little person, naked, and I just can’t get that image out of my head. Sorry. Have a good Halloween.
Mr. Locksmith Halloween Pumpkin
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