Saturday, August 13, 2016

When Bad Things Happen To Good Pots

So a few of my students are “rushing” to get ready for this weekend’s Soda-Firing Workshop. They’ve been making a lot of pots right up to the wire. Getting ready for their three days of soda-firing fun. In an effort to get things fired in time, some of my workshop students got together to load a couple bisque kilns. Some of the work was a bit wet… but they decided to go for it anyways. They loaded, we pre-heated and set it to fire on SLOW. Sadly… one of them didn’t quite make it.

So here’s Stacey’s best covered oval casserole ever!!! Such a nice piece from on of my Tuesday night Advanced Beginners! She worked long & hard on it. But it was apparently too wet on the bottom still. When I opened the kiln lid to unload, it looked pretty good.

But then I noticed that one of the side handles was broken off… and, uh oh… kind of a gaping hole in the side. What??? This can’t be good…

But then when you lift the lid off… uh oh… worse than I thought…

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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