Monday, August 22, 2016

5 Tips for Back to School Organizing and Cleaning

When you think of back to school - do you think of cleaning? I don't, honestly! But, it's actually a perfect time to start perfecting your cleaning and organizing routine - again! Yep, every year you are probably having to tweak and fix that schedule and your routine for cleaning and everything else. I know that I have to every year when school starts. I now have a high school junior and a seventh grader so things are so different now than just a few years ago when my kids were little. Whether you public school, private school, or homeschool it's a perfect time to sit down and work out your routine and schedule. Here are my FIVE tips for getting back to school and getting updated in your routine:

5 Tips for Back to School Organizing and Cleaning ::

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from Organizing Made Fun

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