Sunday, May 15, 2016

Adding To The Collection

As always, we had a wonderful time at the St. Croix River Valley Pottery Tour.
I toured as usual with my friend & talented metalsmith Sarah Chapman. We both told ourselves we were going to “be good” this time. Good to our wallets. Good to out bank accounts. I would like to think that I did pretty well… maybe?… kinda?… sorta???

The first stop on our tour is Bob Briscoe’s place every year. It’s our favorite… great pots, wonderful artists and good friends. While there, that little itch in my wallet starts up… and I feel completely helpless and MUST add another Matt Metz piece to my collection. It was this sweet little flask that caught my attention. I picked it up right away… and when Sarah pointed out that I was caressing & fondling it… I knew it would be mine!!!

Our second stop was Connee Mayeron’s studio… AFTER a little detour around the construction road closure. Sarah has a slight “addiction/fascination” with the work of Shoko Teruyama. So another piece from her was on Sarah’s list. And let me just say… Sarah’s “fascination” is rubbing off on me too. We both got blue & white tumblers last year form Shoko. This year it was this sweet & colorful floral mug. Detailed carvings with colorful glazes.

At the tent next door… another “addiction” for Sarah… and me…  Jenny Mendes. So much detailed painting, line-work and imagery. Her color palette is always “slightly off”… but in such a cool way.

We then went to Guillermo’s. And then off to Will Swanson’s. It was there that Karin Kraemer’s colorful work brought a smile to my face again. I first saw her work there last year… but the carrots were NEW!!! Such a wonderful color palette. So fun, so cheery. And in Karin’s words “She really stands out against all of the brown pots.” I love her illustration style… and the little surprise she hid in the bottom of the mug!

I did really good in resisting the temptation on Friday…
but not so good when I came back to the Tour on Saturday flying solo. I didn’t have Sarah’s “voice of reason” and just couldn’t resist. I just HAD to have some of those carrots!!! Last year I got a rooster.

At the same location, I found another beautiful mug by Ryan Greenheck that “just had to go home” with me. So much for being on my best behavior?! My wallet never even had a chance… too many great pots. Far too much temptation.

So there they are… the newest pots in my pottery collection. I think I did pretty well adding some beautiful mugs to my Mug Collection. And another Matt Met to my Matt Metz Colleciton… a bit redundant, but you get it.

Until next year…



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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