Monday, March 11, 2019

The Monday Roundup: Speed-limiters in EU, ‘Porn Pedallers’, progress in Seattle, and more

This week’s Monday Roundup is sponsored by Ride Like A Girl Cycling, now offering a range of training rides and coaching services to get you ready for the season. Find them on Facebook too!

Here are the most noteworthy items we came across in the past seven days…

New policy crush: New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson wants to “break the car culture” and move on from the Robert Moses era once and for all.

Peddling porn: After first stripping the club of its standing, British Cycling has now entered into talks with Porn Pedallers Cycling Club, which is sponsored by an adult entertainment firm.

$15 Billion for what?: There’s forward movement for a $15 billion transportation funding package in the Washington legislature (three times what Oregon passed in 2017) that uses a gas tax increase and new fees on carbon and developers to fund infrastructure. Unfortunately only 8 percent would be spent on multimodal projects while 41 percent would go to expanding and maintaining existing roads.

Tesla mess piles up: After two fatal crashes in Florida in a week, the federal government is taking a closer look Tesla’s “auto-pilot” feature.

Time to end the car pilot: An essay in The Guardian makes the case that our over-reliance on cars has been a “disastrous experiment” and calls on governments worldwide to phase them out in ten years.

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Awkwardly symbolic: A pro woman racer who was on a solo breakaway in a race in Belgium got too close to the back of the men’s field and was stopped by race organizers. It killed her momentum and she ended up finishing 74th.

Europe knows: A European Union consumer protection committee voted to support a new rule that would require carmakers to install speed-limiting devices in all new cars starting in 2022.

Women supporting each other: Looks like the proliferation of women-only cycling clubs is happening all over the country, including a “Women Bike” group in Philadelphia.

Hardesty opposes I-5 project: In an interview with the Portland Tribune, Portland City Councilor Jo Ann Hardesty says ODOT and PBOT’s Rose Quarter freeway expansion project is a loser and that we’d be better off spending the money on transit, walking, and biking infrastructure.

Dooring death: A woman was killed by a truck driver while bicycling in downtown San Francisco after she swerved to avoid someone who opened a car door in her path.

Progress in Seattle: Seattle had 14 fatalities in traffic last year, that’s less than half the amount they had in 2006. It’s also less than half of Portland’s 34 fatalities. What is SDOT doing that PBOT isn’t?

Telecommute over transit: Census figures show that for the first time ever the number of people who work from home is now larger than those who take public transit.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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