Friday, February 15, 2019

Jurry Rigged?… or Shoddy Workmanship?

And so the lighting saga continues…
Tonight when I made it into my studio, my new light fixture had been “installed”… and I use that term VERY loosely. It has been hung from the old light fixture still with the glass tubes in it… on a very jaunty angle… with the new pull cord directly above my wheel… a huge extension cord draped through the air above my wedging table… and a bonus HUGE surge protector on the corner of my table. I would say it’s a LOT more-than I expected… but none of what I had hoped for. Silly me was expecting a bit more of a safe & professional installation?!

Maybe this was a “quick” jury rigged solution???… there was no note…
so I will definitely be sharing my “expectations” tomorrow with my landlord.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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