Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Bisque Kiln Loading

One last bisque kiln loaded and firing. Time to start glazing the pieces that came out
of my previous kilns… as my next soda firing is THIS WEEKEND!!! Yikes…
fire fast, cool faster… quick!!!

Bisque Kiln Layer #1 – mugs, flower pots, soap dispensers and square vases (upside down).

Bisque Kiln Layer #2 – stacks of serving bowls, cups… and one class demo ornament!

Bisque Kiln Layer #3 – mugs, teapots, bowls, and square vases

Bisque Kiln Layer #3 and a half – a half layer with small plates & square vases

Bisque Kiln Layer #4 – another half layer with a stack of stamped platters.

And I love when the kiln is packed pretty tight all the way up to the top.
Just a smidge of air space between these platters and the lid when it comes down!



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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