Saturday, February 3, 2018

Throwdown Challenge : Throwing Slabs

Going further after the coils… we also did a slab making challenge this Thursday in our Lillstreet Throwdown class. They did so goo don the coil challenge with one pound of clay… so now we were going to see who could make the biggest slab out of their 5-pound ball of clay! For this challenge I gave them three minutes with the opportunity to stop earlier if they thought they were done. Pull it too far and you risk ripping, tearing and crumpling all over the place!

Some kept their slabs contained in a nice rectangle shape, whereas others were doing a pre-emptive strike by folding over the edges to straighten & reinforce them.

Others were a bit timid… not willing to really slap it down with a vengeance!

And some were so enthusiastic… everyone was cheering them on…

Okay, so not all of the slabs were pretty… maybe we should have stopped a little sooner?

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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