Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Help wanted: Crowdfunded Video editing software


I wish to provide the readers with much more video content in the future. It has been one of the things that continues to be take up with feedback from the readers: Messages, comments etc on this issue goes a little something like this: "This application is great! Do you have a video of it so I can see it performed as the pictures are a little lacking?" 

So if you are one of the people that wishes for more video content (applications, drills, etc) here is a chance to help me to make that happen. I have a camera (and even my phone takes decent video) but I am lacking a video editing software. I found one of the affordable ones in Filmora which lets me do pretty much everything I want to do, it is easy to use and it is fast to use. The trial version watermarks everything I make however and it kinda spoils the finished product and makes stuff harder to see. To get rid of the watermark and unlock even more features I need to get a licenced product. I have therefore gotten myself a GoFundMe-page on www.gofundme.com/traditionaltaekwondoramblings where you can donate to help me in my cause. Everything helps :-)

from Traditional Taekwondo Ramblings http://ift.tt/2CpFFzO

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