Sunday, February 4, 2018

“Reality” Pottery : My Own Cast Of Characters

So we’re almost halfway into The Great Lillstreet Throwdown!
We’ve been working hard & playing harder… with great challenges, fun races and a little friendly “trash-talking” along the way. Every class has been a lot of fun. Laughter. Screaming. Giggling. Causing a bit of a ruckus around the studio every Thursday night. Each challenge has been awarded points and we’re working our way to an eventual WINNER!!!

So here’s the game…
of The Great Lillstreet Throwdown!!!
Who will win the challenges? Who will garner the most points?

Purely superficial fun based on their photos below… like a good Reality TV show…
just like how we choose our players in the Survivor Pool, right?
Making these crazy assumptions & predictions based on a gut feeling.

So here we go… my own cast of reality characters for your perusal… and voting.
Please add your guess in the Comments section!
And then as the class continues we can start showing you some Winners along the way!

Actual names have been altered for fun & confusion. Ha!!!

AW : ANNA WHEELIEbelow on the left
CW : CLAYTINA WATERGIRL - below on the right… she’s really NOT a bucket…

CE : CLAY EAGERMAN - below on the left
DJ :  DEBBIE JIGGER - below on the right

IM : IZZY MUDMAKERbelow on the left
JB :  JOE BOWL-A - below on the right

KB : KELLY BISQUEbelow on the left
PB :  PEGGY BURNISH-SHINE - below on the right

PN : POTTERY NURTERER - below on the left
RB :  RICHY BENTONITE - below on the right

RJ : RY-RY JOSHBLUEbelow on the left
SG :  SUSIE GREENWARE - below on the right

SL : SALLY LUSTERbelow on the left
TCW :  TAY-TAY CLAY-WEDGER - below on the right

So again, here’s the game…
PICK THE WINNER of The Great Lillstreet Throwdown!!!
Just place your “votes” in the Comments section… and we’ll see how good your intuition was in a few more weeks when we “crown” the winner of the Great Lillstreet Throwdown!!!







from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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