Monday, May 29, 2017

End Of The Day. End Of The Fair.

We had a beautiful day today. We were all very thankful for the weather today.
When we all left Saturday, the weather forecast for Sunday was NOT so good.
Strong stormy winds over night, and then a ful day of rain & thunderstorms for Sunday. I went to bed “dreading” the next day to come. I’m sure we all wnet to bed with a bit of weather trepidation.

We were all pleasantly surprised to find the sun shining when morning came. I got to the fair and it was a BEAUTIFUL day! Beautiful blue skies and a gentle breeze passing through. My Dad kept checking WeatherBug for the forecast… and we could see storms blowing through around us, mostly to the north & west of Schaumburg. We totally lucked out with two beautiful days in Schaumburg!!!

But then my tent blew over!!!

What?… YES.
We were taking our time packing up at the end of the day. It was beautiful all day with a gentle breeze coming in from the northwest. Beautiful. Calm. Nice. So we packed away the pots. Took down my shelving. And began taking down the tent. Taking off the sides… and while I was folding the third panel, I looked over and my tent was ever so slowly lifting up and blowing over. Basically rolling over to upside-down. Luckily, everyone else around me was already gone. So it was just me, my tent and some muddy grass. Laughing. Guess “someone” got a little cocky and pulled out the stakes a bit too soon??? Strange part was that the breeze was coming from the northwest all day… but then that one gust of wind came in literally from the other direction!!!

Oh well, all good. Another lesson reminded.
It all worked out okay. No foul. No damage. Just another great story!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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