Monday, January 7, 2019

Creating Casseroles

Some time during the holidays, I got a request for a large oval casserole. Of course I didn’t have one in the size & color they wanted… so now I’ve got to make one. And I never make just one!!!… I’m making two to hedge my bets, make sure at least one of them works and to give them a choice!

So I start by throwing a bottomless cylinder. I let it set-up for a bit on the plastic bat. When it is no longer tacky& squishy, I wire it off the bat, take it off very carefully – transferring it to a larger plastic ware board. Then I carefully form it into an oval shape. When it stiffens up a bit more, I stamp the textured pattern around the top edge… and then put it back under plastic so it can rest and dry a smidge more to leatherhard.

After pulling a slab on my wedging table, it compress and let it stiffen up a bit. Then I take the bottomless cylinder and place it on the slab so I can trace the exterior curve. Then some scoring & slipping…

And then I flip over the bottomless cylinders, do a minor bit of trimming, and then score the bottom surfaces.

Flip them back over and place them on the slab where I’ve already scored & slipped.




from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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