Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hummingbird Haven : Lois White in Smithfield, Illinois

We spent part of the day Saturday at “Hummingbird Haven” in the middle of central Illinois. There weren’t tons of hummingbirds yet as they’re still waiting for the full migration to arrive. But we did have an amazing visit with Lois who runs the place and has cared for & nurtured these hummingbirds for the past forty years! She’s so passionate & knowledgeable about these little hummers. She was adorable!


Lois was the perfect teacher as well. So knowledgeable about her winged friends. Even showing us a “used” hummingbird nest from last year… and explaining about how they build it up as the chicks grow.

And a beautiful Major Wheeler jasmine plant climbing up the side of her barn…
the perfect sweet treat for the hummingbirds!

After our hummingbird adventure, we stopped by a quaint little pie shop. I’ve never had Gooseberry Pie before, so I had to try it… but I also had to have a “back-up plan” just in case it wasn’t so good… I knew that the fresh Blackberry Pie would be!

Needless to say, it was good and I polished them both off!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery https://ift.tt/2KKVfpK

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