Monday, December 11, 2017

My So-Called Life With Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety affects me every day, whether I'm grocery shopping or socializing. Here are a few steps I've found helpful in coping with daily social anxiety.My life with social anxiety disorder (SAD) isn’t much of a life. When faced with strangers, I avoid physical proximity, eye contact, and small talk. Though normally well-spoken, the attention of others causes me to stumble over my words. Thoughts of job interviews or parties send me into a panic. I am often frightened when faced with a crowd. Daily life with SAD is unnerving and often unpleasant.

With SAD, Daily Life is Difficult

My fear of other people began in the sixth grade. Classmates verbally and physically bullied me daily. A distrust of the general public remained, and this distrust eventually grew into SAD. I fear verbal criticism and public humiliation. I have seen what others are capable of, and it fills me with dread. In my former occupations, life with social anxiety seemed to mock me every day, and it went beyond discomfort. Each new customer or co-worker brought a fresh wave of social anxiety, and I found that in certain customer service positions, I could not function properly.

My life with SAD distresses me every day, whether I’m picking my daughter up from school, or simply running errands. Going to the grocery store presents an enormous struggle depending on the day and my level of social anxiety. The fear is real, and it goes beyond a certain type of sensitivity. I often panic and have an overwhelming urge to flee to a more private place. Even asking a question of strangers is out of the question when I need help, though I am often told that other people don’t bite.

Unsolicited Advice Regarding Life With SAD

As a person who openly discusses daily life with SAD, I am offered a lot of unsolicited advice. I am told that the people I fear are people, just like me. That we, as human beings, all have similar experiences, and I must keep our similarities in mind and not be afraid. But I’ve had many bad experiences with other people, especially considering my background in customer service. My SAD overwhelms logic in many situations, and I can do little to fight it.

Coping With SAD in Daily Life

My life with SAD at one point left me so debilitated that I was agoraphobic. I could barely leave my house because my SAD made me so afraid of people. In modern society, there are many ways to avoid human contact. I enjoy hiding behind a keyboard in my house. But I’ve found that embracing change gradually is a healthier alternative.

There are several ways to conquer the fears that SAD can provoke, and taking small steps can lead to greater successes. I’ve found the following steps helpful.

  1. Plan outings with a few people around to start.
  2. Gradually increase the number of people you can deal with.
  3. Invite a friend or family member to come with you.
  4. Keep taking medication and attend therapy, if possible.

Though my life with SAD presents a daily struggle, I have hope. I’m hopeful that conquering new social situations will lead to greater accomplishments. I also hope that instead of worrying about of the weight of social expectation, I can eventually be calm and collected in public.

from Anxiety-Schmanxiety – HealthyPlace

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