Sunday, April 30, 2017

The National Parks : America’s Best Idea

With all of the talk lately about our “President” wanting to get rid of some of the designated National Monuments, I thought it was a great time to watch the documentary by Ken Burns about America’s National Parks… before they’re gone, damn you Mr. Trump!!!

I’ve been a HUGE fan of the National Parks system for a long time. I’ve been to several of them, and each one is better than the next!!! Even better when seen from my bike!!! Like the time we rode our bikes up and over “Going To The Sun Highway” in Glacier National Park, all the way down the Rockies and into Yellowstone. I’ve told many people that Yellowstone is one of the most amazing & unbelievable places I’ve EVER been to!!! Crazy cool things around ever corner!!!

Or pedaling through the desert to the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest… or stopping off at the Grand Canyon. It was my first trip through the desert during my cross-country bike ride from Los Angeles to Boston.

Or the beautiful Great Smokey Mountains… lush and green, beautiful mountains, waterfalls and scenic vistas.

So many amazing places that have been given National Park or National Monument status. I sadly must admit that I didn’t know the difference between the two before watching the documentary. But I do know… so I understand more fully what Mr. Trump is trying to take away from the American public. Something special that has been part of the American experience for decades!!!

I loved the documentary and would recommend it to everyone who loves nature, National Parks, or history. They go in chronological order as they show the creation of the system. The struggles , the patrons, the Presidents who fought so hard to keep them. It was amazing to find out more about the influences of those you’ve heard about for years… John Muir, Ansel Adam, the Rockefellers… and the creation of The Audubon Society and The Sierra Club. And the struggles the park system has gone through during The Depression, the World Wars and


from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Like A Kid In A Candy Store

So after talking my bike to the shop for a Spring tune-up…
and getting it back in two pieces. I knew I had to do something about it.
You know I can’t survive without my bike!!! So here’s the story…

When I took my bike in for a regular tune-up, my normal bike guy said things needed to be tightened, cleaned, lubed, whatever. All the usuals. And something about new ball bearings. Whatever. But when he called me two hours later, I knew there was a problem – they never call before the tune-up is finished.

He said that as they were taking things apart, the actual mechanic found a problem. Apparently where the seat post meets the cylinder that holds the pedals they found a fracture in the joint. An structure fracture in the welded seam. He said I was lucky that they found it before something bad happened. Something like me pedaling too hard or standing up on the pedals and the whole thing breaking out the bottom. Something bad like that.

Unfortunately, there is NOTHING they can do to fix it. That bike was dead!!!.
Which I guess was time as there must have been well over 50,000 miles on it.
A lot of miles. And a lot of memories.

Luckily, he also mentioned that he thought it would still be under the TREK Bikes Lifetime Warranty. Unfortunately, my normal bike shop i snot an authorized TREK Dealer. So they gave me my bike back in two pieces so I could go to another shop.

So I did… and the new bike shop was great. The listened to my story, looked at the bike and totally agreed that it would be warranty-worthy. I left my bike there as they were filing a claim for me. They called the next day and said YES. Good news. TREK was willing to stand by their warranty and agreed that it was a structural flaw in the manufacturing of the bike frame. So they offered me a new replacement frame, or money towards a new bike. After a VERY short discussion with the bike shop guy, we both agreed that I should go for the new bike… instead of trying to “Frankenstein” it back together with old parts on a new frame.

Let the shopping begin… like a kid in a candy store.
I’ve had my old bike for about ten years… so it’s been awhile and things have changed a bit.

This one. That one. These components. This upgrade.
Shift this, brake that. Red. Black. White. Blue. So many options. So many decisions.

So many bikes, so little time.
After much deliberation, I finally decided upon this little beauty… another TREK of course!!!

A beautiful matte red road bike. A bit more than I expected to pay… but I completely rationalized it by knowing how many miles I will be putting on this summer… and many more to come!!!

So now to give it a name?… any suggestions?
My top two choices right now are “The Crimson Ride” or “Scarlett Don’t-Care-A.”

After some some final touches by the cycle shop staff… adding pedals, pumping tires, transferring my things over… and I was good to go!!! One big Happy Camper with a new toy… can’t wait to start putting on the miles!!!



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Two Steps Closer To The Tree

Ornaments drying after adding handbuilt tops & some flashing slip accents…
which will hopefully be a smooth buttery-yellow after soda-firing.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

My Talented Friend : Sarah Chapman

Another day done at the “One Of A Kind Show” with my friend & master metalsmith Sarah Chapman. This is one of her sterling silver rings with embossed texture, oxidation and an amazing piece of turquoise.

And a beautiful necklace with beads & stones clustered in a sterling silver “boat.”


from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery


Another batch of mini’s. Small vases with even smaller stamps!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Basic Taekwondo limb-control drill

I "borrowed" this drill after viewing another instructor performing it. It is short, relatively simple and drills the usage of the "non striking hand", angles and several traditional techniques all in one compact drill. The traditional techniques are "round strike" (in the specific example I share it is a bear hand strike), a knife hand strike, a low block in long front stance and a middle level punch. One of the perhaps most important aspects though is the clearing of limbs and basic limb control. Many Taekwondo students are never introduced to this combative range at all, and if you only study your defenses against strikes in the ritualistic formal sparring you will never really learn how to deal with the opponents defenses. In this drill the opponent reacts to your strikes by parrying and covering, which again is something most Taekwondo students never really learn how to deal with.

You can watch the video below:

The Dangkinun son (pulling hand) was traditionally a pramatic part of your technique. You either pulled the opponent off balance and into your strike, you cleared limbs and obstructions to facilitate strikes, or you grabbed, pulled and ripped something. In this specific drill we start out with a lapel grab and pull our opponent out of balance and into the bear paw strike. This strike can be changed into any rounded strike you chose, but we have been working specifically with that strike on the pads for a few training sessions now, so it was natural to use this in a combative context. As it is a circular movement the opponent lifts his hand to block the strike. In application I would personally be holding that arm and pulling along with the strike to negate this defense ever happening, but for the sake of the drill we get to deal with this defense as well as introduce the fact that it might not be the arm of the opponent we are holding.

The opponents arm is up and in our way now, and his free arm is dangerous. I therefore slip to the opponents outside (my left in the demonstration) while clearing the limb with my left hand to set him up for a knife hand strike to the side of the neck. For variety you can change this strike to be any strike that uses this chamber/direction such as a back fist strike, an outward hammer fist strike etc. Shifting to the opponents outside is the safest (relatively speaking) place to move to, increases the distance between me and his free hand and it is disorientating for the opponent since I am now attacking from a different angle than before. Since I have hold of the opponents arm he is left with one parry to use to thwart my knife hand strike, and he does do that since this is a drill :-)

I have a hold of his arm and the other hand is occupied and facing an obstruction in his free arm. I therefore change strategy, move to the other side while clearing from underneath my right arm to secure a grab, apply a simple elbow joint lock to position him for a strike and strike to finish.

It is possible to let him thwart the elbow joint lock so you can change into a wrist throw, or a shoulder lock to take him down, furthering the length of the flow drill even more. You can also exchange the last punch with an outward wrist throw if you so choose. We did that in the last session we had for "fun" :-)

Another variety of the same drill to make it a little more "alive" is to repeat the strike a few times and let the opponent pick the time to defend. One he does defend you move to the next step and repeat the strike until the opponent defends and when he does defend you go to the next phase etc.

Comment below if you need me to clarify anything:-)

from Traditional Taekwondo Ramblings

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Open Sentry Safe in less than 5 seconds at the Kitsilano Business Leaders Meetup

Open Sentry Safe in less than 5 seconds at the Kitsilano Business Leaders Meetup.

Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith demonstrated how easy it is to open a Sentry Electronic Safe is less than 5 seconds with no damage or “Signs of Entry” for the Kitsilano Business Leaders Meetup.

To purchase an excellent UL Listed Burgulary and Fire Resistant Safe for home or business that can not be opened in seconds visit Mr. Locksmith Safes.



Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith Open Safe Demo at the Kitilano Business Leaders Meetup

Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith Open Safe Demo at the Kitilano Business Leaders Meetup

Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith Open Safe Demo at the Kitilano Business Leaders Meetup

Terry Whin-Yates from Mr. Locksmith Open Safe Demo at the Kitilano Business Leaders Meetup


For Hands-on and On-line  Locksmith Training go to Mr. Locksmith Training.

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from Mr Locksmith Calgary

Open Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith Blog

Open Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith Blog. For further info go to

Both Electronic Sentry Safes look the same but different serial numbers. The first Sentry Safe is on the recall list and the second Sentry Safe is not on the recall list. Both appear to be exactly the same and both are vulnerable to rare earth magnets.

When I checked the serial numbers on the Sentry safe website, one safe the serial number starts with an “A” and is on the recall list. I called Sentry and they are sending me an upgrade kit.

Note: Three (3) weeks now and I still have not received the upgrade kit.

The second safes serial number starts with a B and the Sentry website states this safe is not on the recall list.


I do not see any difference externally. When I was on the Sentry Safe website with the “recalled” safe webpage I was linked to a webpage and the recall letters stated “a Canadian locksmith with a hockey puck rare earth magnet is occasionally opening up safes.” I open lots of Electronic safes with rare earth magnets and at Mr. Locksmith we open and repair most safe and many other locksmiths in North America.
Examining the solenoids on both safe after I opened them with the magnet they look exactly the same.

Now we’ll take out the inside panels and we’ll just take a look at each one. So when I compare these two safes everything looks the same. Solenoid, actually that solenoid is exactly … That’s that version the affected and the unaffected or the recalled and the non recalled. This one has a green dot, green dot. I don’t see any difference in the wiring, the construction, nothing so, this ones recalled, this ones not. A series recalled, B series not recalled but as you saw simple easy to open.

I will buy a brand new one of Electronic Sentry safes and test it and see what happens. Sentry states “A” is on the recall list and is potentially vulnerable to being opened with a magnet and ‘B”,is not recalled and not vulnerable?



Open locked Sentry Electronic Data Safe


I hope you enjoyed watching this video. Subscribe to my channel, also visit my website and you can see what online locksmith training I have for beginners, intermediate and advanced as well as my covert methods of entry and my non destructive methods of entry.

For On-line and Hands-on Locksmith Training Dates and Cities near you for Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Locksmithing as well as my Covert Methods of Entry, Non-destructive Methods of Entry and to purchase the Famous “Dumb Key Force Tool” that opens Smart Key locks in seconds go to Mr. Locksmith Training

For Locksmith Franchise and Licensing Opportunities go to

The post Open Sentry Safes in Seconds | Mr. Locksmith Blog appeared first on Mr Locksmith Calgary.

from Mr Locksmith Calgary

One Of A Kind : Sarah Chapman

Fun day playing with my friend & amazing metalsmith Sarah Chapman at the “One Of A Kind Show” today. She has such amazing pieces in her booth #2120… and another fun day tomorrow from 10:00am-5:00pm. C’mon down to the Merchandise Mart!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Friday, April 28, 2017

Police on the lookout for three suspects in Biketown vandalism case

Damage to Biketown station-1.jpg
(Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)

The Portland Police Bureau has a lead on the suspects in the Biketown vandalism case.

As many as 260 bike share bikes — about one quarter of the entire system — at 32 different Biketown stations were vandalized. Through camera footage, the police have obtained images of the vehicle and three of the suspects and they need the public’s help to further the case.

Below is the official statement, followed by images of the suspects and their car:

If you have any information about this case, please call or email Det. Hergert at (503) 823-0400 or

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

BikePortland is supported by the community (that means you!). Please become a subscriber or make a donation today.

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Too Soon???

Wheelthrown holiday ornaments… too soon?

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Route advisory: MAX and sewer repair will have major impacts on SW Morrison/Yamhill

(Map: Bureau of Environmental Services)

If you live, work or play downtown, you need to get prep yourself for significant projects that will have a big impact on the transit couplet of SW Morrison and Yamhill. This corridor runs through the heart of Portland — from the waterfront to west of Pioneer Square.

TriMet is fixing and upgrading its MAX light rail tracks and the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services is taking the opportunity to make repairs to sewer pipes that run under them.

The takeaway? For three weeks between Sunday April 30th to May 20th, the MAX Blue, Red and Green lines will be disrupted, streets in the area will be closed, and there will be active work zones all over the place. TriMet will use shuttle buses to help keep people moving, but the route closures will lead to heavy traffic (both on roads and on transit) and strange traffic patterns downtown.

Thankfully both BES and TriMet are actively encouraging people to walk or use bicycles instead (it just so happens that Monday is the start of National Bike Month). TriMet is giving passengers a free 30-minute Biketown ride (used promo code TRIMET17) and BES is encouraging people to use caution, avoid the area if possible, and/or get off their bicycles and walk around active construction zones (see map above).

Here are the specific closures that will impact your use of downtown streets:

(Graphic: TriMet)

And here are the websites with full information:

One last thing: In case you haven’t heard, there will be 70 construction projects happening around Portland during the summer season. PBOT has a Get Portland Moving campaign all set up to help mitigate the impacts. This might be the perfect time to re-nudge your friends and family to give bicycling a try!

Be safe and stay aware. And as always, let us know if/how these projects are impacting your ride.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

BikePortland is supported by the community (that means you!). Please become a subscriber or make a donation today.

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