Sunday, February 12, 2017

Collaboration Challenge : A Late Entry

Back in September 2016, I did a post about the Saturday metalsmithing class and the wonderful collaboration we did. Each of the student’s took on the challenge to incorporate on of my textured tile pieces into their metalwork. They all did a wonderful job. Such a great project.

Click here to see the original blog post about the collaboration challenge.

Well, here’s one more entry into the mix. A little late, but well worth the wait.
And to be brutally honest, I got these pictures a LONG time ago… I’ve been a slacker in posting. Sorry.

Anyway, Lillstreet metalsmithing student Erika Novak created this amazing pendant using one of my textured pieces as her “cabachon gem”… so to speak.

And the back side is an amazing “reproduction” done with CAD design and cast in bronze.




from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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