Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Pots & Pop Quizzes

So my pottery students are doing great this session. They’re all returning “beginners” so we’ve been doing a little bit more than a true “beginner’s” class. And I love when we get to this stage of the class. We’re entering Week Eight of their ten week session. So at this point, they’re making a lot of pots. And I love seeing them all bring their finished pot to share in class. So great to see them admiring, critiquing, sharing information and being so supportive & encouraging of each other. Such a great group of students this Fall session… all making great pots and having a great time!!!

And since they’re all doing so well.. I decided it was time for a “POP QUIZ.”
I handed out folded sheets of paper. Then told them each to choose a number between one and ten… and write it on the outside of their folded paper. After that had all chosen their numbers, I had them open the sheets to find out what their number “decided” what their challenge was!!! They all tackled the challenge… and all seem to appreciate being “pushed” out of their comfort zone and being “forced” to try something new that they might not do on their own.



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

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