Sunday, September 30, 2018

Playing Hooky

A beautiful day for “playing hooky” and pedaling north. Nothing better than a quick stop off at a small, secluded little stretch of beachfront to dip your toes in the water!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Relaxed & Reclaiming

After a couple crazy weeks of getting ready for ART IN THE BARN, it felt great to be back in the studio “calmly” cleaning up, re-organizing and setting out another large batch of reclaimed clay!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery


Big photo for big sky drama on a big sky morning.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Navy Pier Moments

Another chilly & breezy morning… I hate to admit it was cold enough for a jacket and long pants!!! Yikes, Winter is on it’s way!

But that didn’t stop me… PEDAL ON!!!
It didn’t look like anything special for most of the ride, but I happened to catch a bit of extra beauty when I got down to Chicago’s Navy Pier!




from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

The Clouds Made The Moment

This morning had great potential… or great failure written all over it. It could have gone either way. With that one huge cloud spreading across the sky… and it lit-up at just the right moment. It could have easily blocked the beauty… but instead, it WAS the beauty!!!

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery