Monday, July 31, 2017

Mugshot Monday

This past Saturday, I substituted for another wheelthrowing intermediate class…
and showed them all how to make the textured slab & wheelthrown combo mugs.
So here’s another batch from class that I will dip in a thin flashing slip, dry, bisque fire
and then send through my next soda kiln!


from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Mr. Muddy

Today was the first day of another Wheelthrowing Summer Camp. We have a large plaster bat that we affectionately call “The Graveyard” for all of the dead pots that didn’t quite make it. Usually it’s just a bunch of squishy clay, but today Mister Muddy made an appearance!!!



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery


After a weekend of rough water & choppy waves, it was a pleasant change to be back to calm waters & reflecting tranquility along the lakefront this morning.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Thanks For The Reminder Mr. Zuckerberg

Look what just showed up in my Facebook Feed… some photos from summer camp three years ago! And a timely reminder that I still have a LOT of photos to post from last week’s “Fire, Forge & Feast” camp where the kids make a full placesetting in clay & metal!!! More photos & stories to come.

from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery


Sweeping skies & colorful clouds make for a beautiful panoramic shot
of the lakefront and the Chicago Skyline… and my bike!



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Ride the heat wave with these 10 proven tricks

Splash Dance Ride-15-14
This guy has the right idea.
(Photos: J. Maus/BikePortland)

It’s coming. A collective flip-out has begun because several days of triple-digit temperatures are about to hit Portland.

That means unless you love being hot, biking during the day will be nasty. But there are ways to beat the heat while you bike.

The List


  • Ride slowly
  • If you see water, ride through it
  • Get bags off your back
  • Helmets can help
  • Shade matters
  • Timing is everything
  • Freeze your drinks
  • Soak your shirt or a bandanna
  • Mind over matter
  • Carry cash

We recommend riding through the heat if you can. Here’s why: TriMet’s transit system will likely be delayed because it doesn’t do well in extreme heat or cold. And because people will opt for the most comfortable option it’s also likely we’ll see more single-occupancy motor vehicle trips than usual (which also leads to transit delays). So, like always, riding a bike will still be the most efficient way to travel for shorter trips.

But if you bike, please heed some warnings and tips. We don’t want anyone getting woozy out there and we always want you to have the most enjoyable ride possible. On that note, we’ve collected our best hot riding tips. The list below was gleaned from post posts on the topic and from the collective wisdom of our community. Please add your secrets so we can refine the list and make it even better next time. (And you know there will be a next time, because of the warming climate caused in large part from all those single-occupancy motor vehicle trips I mentioned above, but I digress.)

Here’s how to ride — and survive — the heat wave:

Ride slowly: I’m a huge advocate of riding slow regardless of the weather; but when it’s hot there’s even more reason to not race through the bike lanes. I like to think of it as the “no sweat challenge”: Shift into just the right gear that allows you to keep an efficient pace without working up a sweat.

If you see water, ride through it: This is fun and smart. From rivers to creeks, fountains and front yards — embrace every opportunity to ride through water. Being wet = being cool (and it’ll dry quick, so you don’t have to worry about showing up at your destination looking like a wet dog).

Shade is your friend.

Get bags off your back: You’ll be less sweaty and much more comfortable if your bags are on your bike.

Helmets can help: Soak the pads in water and if you’re thinking of ditching it to stay cool, remember that the foam not only protects your head it also keeps the sun off.

Shade matters: Seek routes with big trees and abundant shade. About one-third of Portland’s streets have a complete tree canopy, many of them on neighborhood greenway routes.

Timing is everything: If possible, ride early or late to avoid peak sun exposure.

Freeze your water bottles: It’s always a bummer to suck down warm liquids. And it should be obvious to hydrate more than usual.

Soak your shirt or a bandanna: Like I said above, having something wet around your neck or your head significantly lowers your core body temperature. Some readers swear by these JellyBeadz cooling scarves available for about $7 on Amazon. One BP reader swears by the wet shirt trick and finds that properly soaked it will last for a trip of two miles before drying out.

Mind over matter: Chances are you won’t experience any ill effects, so why not embrace it? Tell yourself it’s an enthralling sensation, not a dreadful sacrifice.

Carry a few bucks in cash: If you ride through a lot of residential areas, kids with lemonade stands might be your best last resort for an emergency refresher.

And finally, if money is no object, buy a Veskimo: For just $1,116 you can get a “complete personal cooling system.”

Hopefully these tips help you get through the week.

Do you plan on riding any less because of the heat?

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

BikePortland is supported by the community (that means you!). Please become a subscriber or make a donation today.

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The Monday Roundup: Tech, why words matter, a $35,000 python-wrapped bike, and more

Sunday, July 30, 2017

“SURVIVOR” : The Next Season ???

You know how I LOVE the TV show “SURVIVOR”!!!
I’ve watched every episode… every season… every castaway!!!
Love it so much that we actually gamble on it.

But this time, it looks like they may be gambling with us?!!!



from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Luzia : Cirque du Soleil

Another amazing night under Le Grand Chapiteau!
With LUZIA – the latest touring show from Cirque du Soleil.

With the latest touring show LUZIA fusing the sound of luz (light in Spanish) and lluvia (rain in Spanish) – two elements at the core of the show. And what better way than with actual rain falling inside the tent… in graphic patterns literally made by the raindrops!!! Amazing!!!

And a large illuminated backdrop for the stage… ever-changing and ROTATING too!!!

And a large papel picado tube that dominates as the centerpieces at the end of Act One…
surrounded by authentic Mexican musicians, and a singer whose dress literally blooms in front of your eyes!!!

Another amazing evening. Another amazing show.
Cirque du Soleil never fails to impress.

As a small added bonus, we even had a celebrity sitting right behind us!
S. Epatha Merkerson of LAW & ORDER fame… now on Chicago Med!
It was fun to chat “all things Cirque” with L&O’s “Lt. Van Buren” after the show.





from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

One Day More

Just one day away…
for tomorrow night we get to go under Le Grand Chapiteau
for the latest touring production from Cirque du Soleil. My favorite!!!

And a great reflection in the building across the street…


from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Crisp & clear with a LOT of wind blowing in from the Lake.
And with that wind comes a lot of waves crashing along the shoreline.
Okay, so I “may” have gotten splashed a couple times… but it was well worth it.




from Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery